Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Triangle of Life" - not so much

It seems as if after every major earthquake this "Triangle of Life" misinformation makes its way around the internet again, and after the Haitian earthquake it has popped up again. The "Triangle of Life" is an alternative safety concept that is inappropriate for earthquakes in the United States and dangerous to follow.

This comes around the emergency management community every few years, and we do our best to de-bunk it. Because building codes here in the United States are among the best in the world, most injuries and death in the U.S. from earthquakes occur from non-structural threat (stuff inside the building), not from structural threat (the building itself). You are far more likely to be injured by breaking glass and falling objects rather then the massive collapse of a structure.

The best way to react to an earthquake is to “Drop” – get under a table, desk or counter top, “Cover” – protect your head and neck, and “Hold on” – to a table leg or to that cover, until 30 seconds after the shaking stops. We encourage you to disregard the Triangle of Life message – it is dangerous misinformation.

For correct information for the U.S., go to:
There, you’ll find links and statements from the Washington State Emergency Management Division, King County Emergency Management, as well as other pertinent news stories.